Olympic goldrush 5.11a

“Together with “Usain Boltless” and “Queens Gambit” the most enjoyable route in the area. Extraordinary athletic climbing in the first pitch, spicy face climbing above a skyhook in the second pitch.”
P1 (35m, 6b+): Start on the foot of the pillar, and reach via the slab the jug rail which comes from the right. Mantle onto the small gufel and place some small good gear (R6+#0.3 and R5+#0.2). Reach to the obvious jug on the edge of the roof and traverse to the left, placing a #0.2 before you mantle up. #0.5 here and easier terrain with one small overhang (#3) and #0.3 to the belay on #2 and #1.
P2: (25m 6c): Go slightly right to the foot of the corner placing a good #0.4 on the left. Step into the corner and place one red Petzl Skyhook and a bad #0.3 before you run it out to the glory jugs on the left. No belay, just a nice meadow.

60m, 6c, E3 5c

FA: Martin Feistl with Felix Bub 10.07.2023 onsight

Crag Norðurfjörður
Sector Íþrótta og leikja svæði
Type trad

Zula 5.10d

“To the first bolt of “Draugakálfurinn Slorsi” (#0.75), then heading left into the roof with #0.5 and #0.4, to the edge on the left on sandy jugs with sling and mantle over the roof to the ledge (#0.5 and sling). Now easier but with lots of moss tending leftwards (#2 and #1+#0.75) and runout to the top of “Þorskastríðið”. First ascended in the rain, mostly good gear. Zula is the name of the  boat with which we sailed from Denmark to Iceland.”

25m E3 5b

FA: Martin Feistl 06.07.2023 onsight

Crag Norðurfjörður
Sector Sögusvæði
Type trad

Cha Cha Cha 5.10b


Mjög skemtilegt stutt leið á nyja sektor Stardals – Efri Vesturhamrar. Sektorin er upp gilin milli miðvestur og vesturhamrar.
Leiðinni bryja hjá 2 storir blokkar, standa varlega á blokkið og farðu beint upp með brúninni og sprungunni. Klifra til mjög goðir grípum, hvildir og farðu hratt upp síðasta vegginn á kantum í stórt gríp og auðvelda frágang. Svolítið djörf í milli en mjög góðir trygging undir kruxin ef þú finnur það.

Rauða linan – Cha Cha Cha

F.f. Ólafur Þór Kristinsson, a.f. Robert Askew (both led)

Appelsínugulur box merkja nyja svaedi.
One route may have been climbed, as a piton and hella rusty nut were found in a corner route.
Crag Stardalur
Sector Efri Miðvesturhamrar
Type trad

Elysium 5.10d

B1a – veg milli P.S.(Post Scriptum) og Örlagahúkkið

Mjög tæknilegar hreyfingar slabb og aréte, bryjar eins og P.S. en frá stallin bryja úpp veggin frá lægsta partinn. Vel tryggt í P.S., án þessi trygginar mun vera annar sögu.

F.f. for úp P.S. og tryggt, klifraði níður P.S. og bryjaður frá stallin. Smá hvild á P.S. milli leið og kruxin kemur beint aftur þessi. Fara upp til hægri og tryggingar í næst sprungu og má nota aðrir vegg að standa á. Klára leiðin beint upp sprunguna.

Without using the rest on P.S. and the wall of Örlaga… the route would probably be a grade harder but fun to try out. The run-out from P.S. to the next crack requires an attentive belayer – the ledge and rock is within the fall zone once you reach the next crack, but most of the difficult moves are done at that point. Also, probably easier for taller folks.

Gráða: Approx Stardalur 5.10d. Needs second ascent to confirm.
Hugsanlega British E4/E5 6a/b (6c+ to 7a climbing with good gear but run-out in one spot)

F.f. Robert Askew. Apr 2023.

Crag Stardalur
Sector Miðvesturhamrar
Type trad
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