Can I borrow a feeling? 5.10a

This route follows the arete on the prominent column to the climbers left of cha cha cha. Although short, it offers varied and sustained movements with reasonable gear placements. However, there are limited options available for gear for the first half of the route.


FF. Jay Borchard & Gunnar Steingrimsson, 05.05.2024

Crag Stardalur
Sector Efri Miðvesturhamrar
Type trad
First ascent

2 related routes

Can I borrow a feeling? 5.10a

This route follows the arete on the prominent column to the climbers left of cha cha cha. Although short, it offers varied and sustained movements with reasonable gear placements. However, there are limited options available for gear for the first half of the route.


FF. Jay Borchard & Gunnar Steingrimsson, 05.05.2024

Cha Cha Cha 5.10b


Mjög skemtilegt stutt leið á nyja sektor Stardals – Efri Vesturhamrar. Sektorin er upp gilin milli miðvestur og vesturhamrar.
Leiðinni bryja hjá 2 storir blokkar, standa varlega á blokkið og farðu beint upp með brúninni og sprungunni. Klifra til mjög goðir grípum, hvildir og farðu hratt upp síðasta vegginn á kantum í stórt gríp og auðvelda frágang. Svolítið djörf í milli en mjög góðir trygging undir kruxin ef þú finnur það.

Rauða linan – Cha Cha Cha

F.f. Ólafur Þór Kristinsson, a.f. Robert Askew (both led)

Appelsínugulur box merkja nyja svaedi.
One route may have been climbed, as a piton and hella rusty nut were found in a corner route.

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